Van Walker - Persephone's Return
  • RELEASE DATE /11 September 2024
  • LABEL /Cheersquad Records & Tapes
  • FORMAT /Digital single
Van Walker - Persephone's Return


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Check out the latest single ‘Persephone’s Return’, from revered singer-songwriter Van Walker.  It comes ahead of his brand new album ‘Healing Descent’ out on September 27, 2024.

PERSEPHONE’S RETURN. This song was written on the first day of spring during the Covid Lock-downs (2020) in regional Victoria. I was locked down miles away from anywhere at a friend’s country cottage and it’d been oddly refreshing to get away for a while, after years of touring and going hard, it was actually a relief to have some downtime and, ironically, just breathe again.

Nevertheless, it was a weird time and the world felt like it was on hold. So when spring finally sprung it really packed a much needed punch of positivity. I could imagine the elation our ancestors must have felt after their frozen near-deathly winters when it really must have felt likely life may not return. But return, it did. And how much more magnificent was that mighty spring after having been locked down in our houses and homes….the flowers and the insects and just the pure power of nature was just a god-sent revelation… especially in the county side. So the songs written there that became this album celebrates the eternal cycles of nature… Death (Hades’ Lullaby) and Life (Persephone’s Return).

Build your raft and lean your sailing skill..” 🌬️⛵️