‘Summer’s Coming’ is the brand new single for Al Matcott, from his forthcoming album of the same name.
Formerly a drummer, guitarist and singer in a number of bands including Euphoriacs, Honey Badgers and Buried Feather, AL MATCOTT made his solo debut in 2021 with the release of the four-track EP ‘You Can Be Anyone’ and quickly followed with a string of singles in 2022 including ‘Crystal Ball’ and ‘Sophia’.
‘Summer’s Coming’ is written from the perspective of Mother Nature, she shares angsty diary entries that give a kiss-off to humanity for all the ways we’ve ignored her, and the pain we’ve inflicted on her. Al Matcott has long-balanced weighty lyrical content with brightened soundbeds, and on the garage-rock-driven ‘Summer’s Coming’ this is realised through driving guitars, synths, and shared vocals with Kate ‘Babyshakes’ Dillon (Full Moon Flower Band).
Check it out now on Cheersquad Records & Tapes.