Freya Josephine Hollick’s brand new single ‘Ribbons’ is out today. A delicate, moving break up song, it’s a beautiful track. Check it out now.
Freya explains:
“I wrote Ribbons about a particularly painful break up I went through with a musician who used to play in my band, and each night when I closed my eyes, I felt like my heart was being taken out of my chest. I had this vision of an angel who would come and bind my chest closed again by wrapping me in blue satin ribbons. I wrote more lyrics for this song, which I felt were too raw to include, perhaps one day I will. Ribbons was recorded in Josh Barber’s studio which is in an old church in Mollonghip, VIC. I sent him a phone recording of the song one morning, and later that day he sent me back a nearly complete song. He had played every instrument on the track. I went in to the church not long after and lay down the lead and backing vocals across a couple of hours. I’m so proud of this song. It fortifies me when I listen to it. I love to be able to hear the strength of my heart in the way I sing this song. And I hope you can feel it too. To anyone who has been hurt by love, I just want to extend this song to you, to keep shining your light, to keep loving, to keep being your beautiful radiant you, nobody can ever take that from you. Loving in this way reminds me of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, whereby broken ceramics are mended with gold. Mend your heart with gold each time it breaks, and you will be more beautiful and loving than ever.”